Monday 31 March 2014

Strengths and Weaknesses

This year I feel like the speed at which I am able to draw has greatly improved, this is evident from the 60 second poses I've been doing. As a result of this I've been able to record information quicker when drawing from life, as observed in some of my animal studies, done at Burford wildlife park; and also my journey drawings in Cheltenham.

New drawings:


Old Drawings:

I think my shading has greatly improved, my understanding of form and foreshortening as well. My newer drawings look less stiff, and I think this comes from doing all those loose gesture drawings. I think my drawings look cleaner also.

Compared to the drawing exercise we did at the start of first year, these studies of Cheltenham are so much better. I feel I've done a much better job of capturing the subject matter.

I want to continue doing both fast and longer more detailed observations. I like trying to record an object with as few lines as possible, to see if I can capture the gesture. However longer more detailed observations feel more real, and produce a more complete image. I want to continue doing more observation from life and studying movement.

 The above drawings I feel showcase how I've been able to make my drawings look more animated. They don't look as stiff, like some of my older drawings look.

I've also been able to add some colour to my work this year, something I usually don't do.

However I have also identified several weaknesses in my practice. I tend to not draw buildings, and detailed observations of objects. I feel this limits me in my visual language. For instance when I come to draw a building or an interior they often look bland an un-detailed, because I haven't taken the time to observe there real life counterparts. I also tend to only work in pencil and occasionally Photoshop, I want to try an expand the types of media I use, more charcoal, and colour.

I need to continue drawing building details, and figures interacting with environments and objects.

I feel like I deserve a low B grade. I feel I have shown improvement in my work, and have consulted a variety of books to try and improve my practice. In particular Andrew Loomis's book 'Figure Drawing for all it's Worth'. I've attempted to develop some of my ideas and take them further, trying to apply them in other areas of my practice. For example my animal studies helped me develop my drawings for the children s book module.

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